Your Net Worth – Financially & Internally – Step 4
You Must Be Able to Measure Both Net Worth About 10 years ago, I read the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, by T Harv Eker and this was the beginning of my financial education. It opened my eyes to what I was lacking in thought regarding money and confidence handling money. I signed up…
Getting to Know Your Credit Report, What’s Next?- PT. 2
Your Credit Report and FICO Score According to the Federal Trade Commission, 1 in 5 consumers had an error recorded on their credit report. 1 out of 10 saw their score increase as a result of removing derogatory information. Why am I bringing this up? So that you don’t beat yourself up too much…yes derogatory…
Getting to Know Your Credit Report, What To Do Next ? —– Step 3 (Part 1)
Pulling your report, Possibly for the 1st time? Sometimes I forget how much my life and habits have changed in the last 10 years, and when I work with someone to correct their course, I am genuinely concerned when they don’t know their credit score or have never pulled a credit report, this is not…
Setting Up The Book- Your Cash Flow – Step 2
Cash Flow and The Book The Book can be a very effective tool to gather your info, keep track of where you are going and sometimes I like to look back and I can see my wins. I am an athlete so I like to make things seem like a game, I compete with myself…
Gathering Your Mess – The First Step
It’s time for the real work to begin. If you are starting over financially or trying to pull yourself out of a hole, this can be a daunting experience. It can be difficult to look at your mess honestly, facing the prospects of phone calls you will not want to make, writing letters or emails…
7 Steps To Cleaning Up Your Financial Mess
You Must Want to Fix It – Take Financial Control Money is an emotional issue when it controls you. It can be a daunting journey if your finances have gotten out of control and you don’t know where to start. Financial control leads to financial freedom, financial freedom leads to peace of mind, it…
You Can Comeback
When life comes crashing down… Sometimes life gives us the opportunity to start over, to really look at who and what we have become, to dissect our world spiritually, emotionally and finally, financially. We take a good hard look at our life, at our divorce, our loss of savings, the effects recession and all of…